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Revision [695]

This is an old revision of W108TurnSignal made by WebMaster on 2009-08-20 15:56:02.


Self-Canceling Turn Signal Indicator Fix

on the 1973 280SEL (W108)

by JeffreyNMemphis


I have not posted in a while and I have new material to contribute and a few minutes to share. That nagging turn signal stalk that would not hold itself when I was signaling a turn finally got some love. Here is the procedure:

Remove rubber boot at steering column. The photo shows that the shape of the boot holds itself on, no clips or tabs that might break off.


Next, examine the working of the signal indicator to determine if right side or left side (or both) need attention.



Then, gently file the indented location checking frequently until the signal holds on its own. If you file too much the signal will get stuck, then it won't self-cancel.

This was about one-hours worth of labor, maybe two if you are snapping photographs.

Here are the pictures of the filing. Hope this helps. When I was looking for a fix, I found a helpful description. I am visual and photographs help me more than words.


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